Tavasci Marsh Jun 16

A National Trails Day walk from Tuzigoot Visitor Center through the edge of Tavasci Marsh to the Verde River.
P6040001   TAVASCI MARSH P6040002   A guided wals for National Trails Day P6040003   The Tuzigoot Visitor Center, start of the hike P6040004   Looking out over Tavasci Marsh, an old oxbow bend of the Verde
P6040005 P6040008   Ranger Mary Ontiveros explains the history and biology of the Marsh P6040010 P6040014   The jeep road leading down to the Marsh
P6040015 P6040017   Cottonwoods flouish near water, but can be killed off by standing water P6040018 P6040020
P6040021 P6040022   We enter the mesquite bosque P6040023 P6040024
P6040025 P6040026 P6040027 tonemapped P6040028 tonemapped
P6040030   We reach the Verde. Most of the flow is diverted for farming above this point, and then rejoined lower down P6040031 P6040032 P6040034
P6040035 P6040036 P6040037 P6040038   The Tuzigootfortress on top of the hill
P6040039 P6040040